

Depuis 1985, l’Association québécoise pour la maîtrise de l’énergie a fait des enjeux d’efficacité énergétique sa principale mission. Véritable carrefour d’intervenants, l’AQME œuvre activement à la promotion de l’efficacité énergétique, en faisant la diffusion des meilleures pratiques et des innovations dans le domaine tout en aidant les utilisateurs d’énergie à initier des projets. Il s'agit d'un organisme neutre, indépendant et privé qui rassemble aujourd’hui près de 900 membres provenant de tous les horizons.

Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA)

Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA) is a leading advocate for a successful, competitive and growing credit union industry and is passionate about ensuring that credit unions and caisses populaires grow as the financial institutions of choice. CCUA uses CiviCRM to manage their contacts and to track communications with government officials.

Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC)

"Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) is a member-driven association that supports, promotes and unites co-operative and mutual organisations. CMC strives to advance the co-operative economy by organizing co-op development, advocating with government and conducting research to improve public policy. CMC serves as a common table for co-operatives and mutuals in Canada."

Montreal Diet dispensary

« The Montreal Diet Dispensary is an agency that offers nutritional and social support to pregnant women in need to help them to give birth to, and raise, babies in good health. »

SymbioTIC developed a highly customized case tracking sytem based on CiviCRM to track the pregnancies and the nutritional intake.